Shower of Stoles
The Campus Christian Center today will be kicking off the Shower of Stoles, a collection of liturgical stoles from gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons from 24 denominations in five countries. Each stole contains the story of a GLBT person. The exhibit runs between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. until Jan. 26. The Campus Christian Center is located at 715 N. Park Ave.
Last day to add on WebReg
Today is the last day to use WebReg to add and change classes or sections. It is also the last day to change to or from pass/fail and grade.
UA gets $1.75 million for graduate students
The UA was awarded $1.75 million Friday to recruit graduate students in science, engineering or biomedical research from Science Foundation Arizona. The grant is part of SFAz’s Graduate Research Fellowship program, which aims to set quality standards for key graduate programs.