• Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
• According to U.S. FDA standards, one cup of orange juice is allowed to contain 10 fruit fly eggs but only two maggots.
• If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times but about 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
• Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th.
• In a year, more Monopoly money is printed than real money.
• More than 2,500 left-handed people a year are killed by using products made for right-handed people.
•A quarter weighs 5.67 grams.
• More than 40,000 parasites and 250 types of bacteria are exchanged during a typical French kiss.
• Non-dairy creamer is flammable.