A man was arrested for failure to stop at a red light and exhibition of speed at the intersection of East Speedway Boulevard and North Campbell Avenue at 9:55 p.m. Sunday.
The man was stopped at a red light going eastbound on Speedway and accelerated prior to the light turning green. The vehicle was two car lengths into the intersection before the light changed, and accelerated to 50 mph in a 35-mph zone.
The man told an officer, “”I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry to get my brother to work because he’s late,”” according to reports.
The man was the only occupant of the vehicle.
The driver of a black Chevrolet Blazer was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and other related citations at the intersection of East Broadway Boulevard and North Highland Avenue at 2:41 a.m. Saturday.
An officer saw the car veer into the bicycle lane, stop completely at a green light to check for traffic before turning, and cross over the double line. The officer pulled the man over.
The man fumbled around with his driving documents, and the officer could smell intoxicants. The man’s speech was slurred and inaudible at times. He stepped out of the vehicle, and the officer performed field sobriety tests. The man was offered a Breathalyzer test but refused to take it.
The man admitted that he drank two Budweiser Light beers at 7:30 p.m. The man failed other field sobriety tests, so the officer arrested the man for DUI and transported him to the University of Arizona Police Department station, 1852 E. First St., for further testing.
At the station, the man played games with officers when prompted to blow into the Intoxilyzer. He would not blow hard enough into the machine to get a reading and moved the mouthpiece to the side of his mouth. The man made five attempts before the officers informed him that if he could not provide a decent sample, his license would be suspended for a year. The man then provided a sample showing a blood-alcohol content of .154.
He claimed he had asthma, to explain his blowing problems.
When the officers tried to get a second required sample, the man again moved the mouthpiece to the side of his mouth. He did not blow but rather closed his eyes tight to mimic blowing hard. He then stopped and said his stomach hurt because he was blowing so hard.
The man was charged with a DUI, a DUI with a BAC of .08 or higher, an extreme DUI and expired Arizona registration. He was cited and released to a cab.
Someone cracked several new windows of the Architecture building, 1040 N. Olive Road, at 11:36 p.m. Saturday.
A person on the building’s second floor reported to UAPD that she heard five or six impact sounds on the north-side windows.
The woman said she had been in the building the last time someone had shot out the windows, and that it sounded the same as then. She added that she did not hear gunshots.
The exterior window panes featured small holes approximately one-fourth of an inch in diameter.
Officers circulated the area immediately after the call was dispatched but were unable to find any likely perpetrators.
A homeless man was arrested for third-degree trespassing on the UA campus at 6:19 p.m. Thursday.
An officer encountered the man in the alley on the east side of the Electrical and Computer Engineering building, 1230 E. Speedway Blvd. The man identified himself by name because he did not have identification on him.
The man allowed the officer to search his white shopping bag because inside was paperwork that showed who he was.
Inside the bag, the officer found a UAPD addendum form and a property sheet with his name on it. The man told the officer he was on campus because he was looking for something. When asked what he was looking for, the man wouldn’t elaborate.
A records check revealed that the man had an exclusionary order for the university that expires May 6. The man said he knew he was not supposed to be on campus.
The officer transported him to Pima County Jail.
Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at http://www.uapd.arizona.edu.