‘Some modesty goes a long way’
I just want to applaud Justin Cranmer’s comments in the Wildcat (“”Porn letter ‘a huge jump in logic'”” 1/23) regarding Zach Nicolazzo’s letter (“”A pornographic challenge”” 1/18), more specifically a comment made that was both informative and hilarious: “”What country was last on the list with apparently the lowest number of rapes? Saudi Arabia. Big surprise. I didn’t know rape was even a crime there. In all seriousness…”” I’m not sure what I love more about that statement, the fact that it basically alludes to the fact all Muslims rape for fun, or the fact that it decriminalizes rape to a punch line in a joke that makes Jay Leno look like a comedic genius. Actually, my favorite part is wondering who should be more insulted, Muslims, women, or the whole of humanity.
In a society which preaches an extreme form of Islam, women are oppressed in a manner not seen in the Western world. It is true that they are not given many freedoms that they should be as Muslims, and as human beings, but at the same time, they are not being raped. Though not a woman, I am confident in saying that if I was almost sure that I would never be molested or raped if I just wore a scarf covering my hair – I would buy the scarf. Obviously this is not 100 percent. It would be na’ve to think a piece of cloth prevents sexual abuse, but the general teaching being held up here is that some modesty goes a long way.
But enough with common sense. Perhaps the Wildcat could do some actual editing before letting the same filth trickle in day after day.
Jamil Anouti
pre-business sophomore