As science and technology continue to advance, college students may expect to finally find the cure for a hangover.
Scientists at NASA have developed a new technology called the NASA Biocapsule, which is a capsule implanted underneath the skin that can immediately sense when an astronaut’s body is exposed to radiation and will release medicine to fight the radiation before he or she can feel its effects.
But the future is bright for us here on Earth. The development of the Biocapsule could go beyond astronauts and radiation, and treat diabetes, allergies and cancer patients. It’s the next step in medical advancements that could save millions of lives and significantly decrease stress and worry over medical problems. All this, thanks to one little capsule and a doctor named David Loftus.
If these new advancements create Biocapsules loaded with insulin for diabetics, or epinephrine for those with allergies to things like bees or pollen, maybe the capsule can also cater to college youth.
Imagine if there were a Biocapsule made for college students loaded with the electrolytes needed to replenish hydration and help detoxify the body after late-night partying and drinking. In other words, a helping hand that can reduce the dreaded symptoms of a hangover the next morning.
There is a laundry list of things to do to minimize symptoms of a hangover, such as eating before you party and drinking water at intervals. But sometimes it’s hard to listen to your conscience telling you to drink some water while you’re having a blast playing King’s Cup or beer pong.
Having a Biocapsule loaded with electrolytes would make up for when you don’t listen to your body. Although your body signals an imbalance of electrolyte levels by making you feel thirsty, it’s hard to remember while you’re partying that maybe you should drink water instead of taking another shot to quench that thirst.
The capsule could monitor the imbalance and immediately release the electrolytes needed to keep your levels balanced throughout the entire night, awake and asleep, thus helping to reduce the dreaded hangover the next morning. Snazzy.
That makes the Friday morning lab much easier to handle after a long and drink-filled Thirsty Thursday the night before. What’s more, it will almost make you wonder how the heck you feel so good when you know you drank enough to intimidate a sailor. Oh right, the handy dandy little Biocapsule that was placed somewhere in your thigh.
The best part is that the Biocapsule is not a one-time use only kind of thing. It is able to treat your body with the specified medication for years at a time, without any need for going back to the doctor. Along with cars, laptops, and plastic surgery, the Biocapsule could be the new big thing to give high school graduates.
Because let’s face it, college is a time to get a little crazy, and this little capsule would get rid of that awkward hold-my-hair-while-I-puke moment. Fingers crossed.
— Serena Valdez is a journalism junior. She can be reached at or on Twitter via @WildcatOpinions.