Damaged car
A University of Arizona Police Department officer spoke with a student on the phone on Sept. 8 who said his car had been damaged on campus. The student had parked his car in a lot on Mountain Avenue around 11 a.m. When he returned at noon, he noticed his car had horizontal scratches on the driver’s side doors. The scratches were approximately three feet long and three inches wide. The student was mailed a victim’s rights form. There are no suspects or witnesses.
Fraud user makes big point
A UAPD officer spoke with a student on Sept. 4 who reported fraudulent purchases had been made to her credit card. The student said the card had been in her possession the entire time and she has since canceled it. Her bank contacted her a few days earlier to inform her of several charges to the gaming website www.bigpoint.com, totaling $137.97. The student said the most recent purchase she made with her credit card was to pay for a cab. She said the cab was having problems with its credit card machine and had to make an impression of her credit card information. The woman did not know the name of the driver. There is no further information.
15 beers and a bottle o’ rum
On Sept. 4 around 10:20 p.m., a UAPD officer went to Likins Hall in response to a disturbance call. The officer met with the resident assistant, who said that several students in one of the rooms were making a lot of noise during quiet hours. The RA said the residents had refused to let the RAs in to check for alcohol.
The officer went into the room and noticed two men and two women. The students said they had not known about the quiet hour policy until the RAs had shown up at the door. The officer smelled a strong odor of intoxicants and asked if there was any alcohol inside the room. One of the residents, a man, said there was and gave the officer an nearly empty 1.5 liter bottle of Captain Morgan rum from under his desk. There were also 15 cans of Keystone Light beer in the refrigerator. The two women said they were just visiting their friends in the room and had four shots of rum each. One of the men said he had about five shots and the other man said he drank about five beers. They said they had an unknown man purchase the alcohol for them from a CVS drugstore a few miles away.
All four students were cited for minor in possession of alcohol in body. The officer had the men dispose of the alcohol and the empty cans. A Code of Conduct violation was forwarded to the Dean of Students Office.
Stumbling student sips too much
A UAPD officer was stopped at a stop sign on Sept. 4 at 1 a.m. when he noticed two women at the crosswalk. One of the women was stumbling as she walked and needed the support of her friend to keep steady. The officer approached the women and asked for their identification. The stumbling woman had trouble standing up straight and she had red eyes and slurred speech. She told the officer she had a lot to drink at a party after the football game. She was a non-UA student and said she was staying with a friend. The woman was cited and released at the scene for minor in possession of alcohol in body.