The changes to the college loan business come as part of the final piece of the health care reform law, which Obama enacted in a signing ceremony at a community college in the
Speaking to a crowd of students, Obama credited Democrats in
Money that should have been spent advancing the educational interests of students “”instead was spent padding student lenders’ profits,”” the president said. “”It probably won’t surprise you to learn that the banks hired an army of lobbyists”” to fight it.
“”But I didn’t stand with the banks and the special interests,”” Obama said of himself and the Democratic members of
It’s a message the president has unspooled at several public appearances since the passage of the historic healthcare legislation last week, as he undertakes a tour that is both victory lap and sales pitch.
As members of
The vote was not an easy one for many lawmakers, and every new round of public opinion polling is a reminder that the health care vote could break against them if the
In both speech and substance, Tuesday’s event offered a preview, casting the health care law as part of a bigger Democratic plan to help American families against monied interests who have profited in their time of economic distress. Just as Democrats fought the insurance companies to reform health care, the president said, they put an end to the role of banks in the college loan process.
“”We can’t afford to waste billions on giveaways to the banks”” when American competitiveness depends on the fortunes of its students, Obama said.
The new law will also put a cap on college graduates’ annual loan payments, so that they only have to pay back 10 percent of their income.