Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and rock legend Jerry Lee Lewis are cousins.
Put together, the world’s termites outweigh the world’s humans 10 to one.
Batman was introduced in Detective Comics No. 27 in 1939. He was originally referred to as “”The Batman.””
The Klondike Gold Rush kicked off at Bonanza Creek in 1897.
Pong, introduced in 1972, was the first video game.
South Carolina was named for King Charles II of England. The name “”Charles”” in Latin is Carolus.
Key West, Fla., is only 90 miles from Havana.
Jimmy Carter was the first 20th-century president to be born in a hospital.
Half the world’s population has seen at least one James Bond movie.
Canada is an Iroquois word that means “”big village.””
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle originally planned to name Sherlock Holmes Sherrington Holmes. Dr. Watson’s original name was Ormond Sacker.
Helen Keller was a Socialist.
The Ferris Wheel was first introduced at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.
Mystic Seaport is in Connecticut.
Taser stands for Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle. It was created by Arizona inventor Jack Cover in 1969 and named for Tom Swift, a fictional teenage inventor.
Long before Will Smith took on the role, boxer Muhammed Ali played himself in the 1977 film “”The Greatest.””
Michael Jackson owns the rights to the South Carolina state anthem.
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.
The highest-scoring three-letter word in Scrabble is “”zax””, which is a tool for cutting and trimming roof slate.