• A cockroach can live for several weeks without its head.
• The average human produces a quart of saliva a day — about 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
• Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die.
• The embryos of tiger sharks fight each other while in their mother’s womb, the survivor being the baby shark that is born.
• Nearly a third of all bottled drinking water purchased in the U.S. is contaminated with bacteria.
• Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over 1 million descendents.
• The oldest multi-cellular fossils date from about 700 million years ago.
• An astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space. The cartilage discs in the spine expand in the absence of gravity.
• The oldest known fossil is of a single-celled organism, blue-green algae, found in 3.2-billion-year-old stones in South Africa.