Money can become an issue with the holidays quickly approaching. Fear not, because for no more than $1 you can give a gift that will warm the hearts of your friends and family – or at very least, make them laugh.
Have you ever had that friend you are obligated to buy a gift for but just really don’t like – the girl from elementary school who followed you to college or the cousin you dislike who’s coming for Christmas? Well, that’s what the dollar store is for. Pick up a scented candle, jewelry box or a small ceramic statue. Be sure to wrap it nicely and peel off the sticker, and you’re good to go.
If you are looking to give something more from the heart, write a poem. If you’re really lazy, write a haiku. When you’re at the dollar store pick up some semi-nice paper and pull out your special pen to write it up. If you’re feeling really ambitious, type it in a nice font and print it out. Poems are from the heart, no matter how badly written. But if you’re a terrible writer, pull a page from Shakespeare or Frost – just remember to credit the author. After all, who’s going to believe you wrote a full-blown sonnet about your girlfriend’s beauty?
If you’re not into poetry, try origami. Steal some paper from a friend and find directions online. It might take practice, but you’re sure to impress with a nicely crafted origami piece. If you have extra art supplies lying around, such as fabric, glue or glitter, make your mom a “”World’s Best Mom!”” shirt or try making a pillowcase. Sock monkeys are another great do-it-yourself go-to for holiday gifts.
No matter how broke you are, there’s always an option for the holidays. Whether it’s the dollar store, DIY or cleaning your dad’s bedroom and scrubbing the toilet extra well, a handmade, thoughtful gift is sure to please.
Origami instructions online:
DIY sock monkey:
Poem writing tips
and calligraphy information:
Additional budget gifting options:
DIY dreidel: