The Daily Evergreen
Washington State University
“It’s all the same love”
Earlier this month, Bill Clinton expressed that even though he signed DOMA into federal law over 17 years ago, he now believes it is a different time and that DOMA is “incompatible with our Constitution” in a letter published by the Washington Post.
The person who signed the bill into law now believes it is unconstitutional. The justices need to understand this bill is outdated and needs to be removed.
President Barack Obama declared in his inaugural address in January that “our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law.”
It is time that the Constitution reflected the beliefs of over half of the nation.
By Bryana Cope, March 29 issue
The State Press
Arizona State University
“‘Mawwiage’: The nightmare within a nightmare”
The history of marriage falls to the subjugation of one sex over another, and for some reason the LGBTQ community wants to be a part of this repressive arrangement.
Women, regarded by some as cogs in the patriarchal system, once were suppressed (and some might argue, still are), thanks to the “ownership contract” inherent in a marriage license. The LGBTQ community should not want any part of the contractual bureaucratic language that entails marriage.
Marriage and love are not equal and should not be confused.
By Peter Northfelt, April 1 issue
The Daily Utah Chronicle
University of Utah
“Civil rights should be state-by-state”
An overwhelming majority of young people favor same-sex marriage. Seventy percent of Millennials support legalizing gay marriage, as the Pew Research Center showed, while a survey taken by Post-ABC poll showed 81 percent approval.
Thus it seems the issue will eventually be decided in favor of gay marriage. As Martin Luther King Jr. liked to say, “The arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Rather than Supreme Court arbitration, it would be more salutary if the arc of history was bent toward justice locally on a state-by-state basis. This organic process would be more apt to change laws and minds.
By Erik Johnson, April 7 issue
The Daily Californian
University of California, Berkeley
“Asking for it”
Let me make myself very clear. Enjoying rough sex is not asking to be raped. Even having rape fantasies is not asking to be raped. There is a monumental difference between playing out a fantasy with a sexual partner you trust and feel safe with and being forced to have sex against your will. Making excuses for rape does nothing but perpetuate rape culture and encourage rapists.
For those of you who think women are “asking for it,” you’re right. We are asking for something. We are begging, pleading, demanding a world in which we feel safe and respected. We’re asking to be treated like decent human beings. We’re asking for an end to rape and rape culture. When will you finally listen?
By Elisabeth Bahadori, April 2 issue