Thursday is a big day; not only is it raining but (Thursday night was) also the “”Jersey Shore”” season two finale. What is going through your head?
Oh man, I can’t even tell you right now. I just love Snooki so much and all the crazy love-making that goes on inside that house.
What are you going to do on Thursdays now that it’s over; like, what is going to happen?
I’m probably just going to watch a different show that’s less dumbfounded on my mind. And yeah, it will be awesome, it will be good.
Like what?
Probably like “”Family Guy”” or “”South Park”” or something good. Some reruns, maybe. Reruns are always better than “”Jersey Shore”” stuff, ya know? I mean, I’ve watched all the episodes but it’s just, I mean, they’re kind of crazy.
Yeah, but you can’t find anything more entertaining.
Yeah, you’re right. They’re super entertaining and super dumb.
So how are you feeling about this weather? I’m not seeing you in any rain boots or ponchos or anything.
Why are you wearing rain boots (when) it’s not even raining? It was raining at like 6 o’ clock in the morning.
Dude, it was raining at 10 and I had to walk, chill out.
OK, well I like the rain. I’m from Vegas so we don’t get a lot of rain.
What is the big plan for Homecoming for you?
Just partying, right? Drinking, watching the game.
Being a sophomore, you’ve got two more years to go. Does it frighten you that you are almost halfway done?
Yeah, time is just going by way too fast ya know?
Yeah, I mean you haven’t even decided your major yet.
Yeah, I don’t even know what I want to do yet. I already got so many pressures, but I guess that’s life for ya.
What is the biggest thing you are looking forward to in your life?
Just living on my own, maybe.
Having kids?
Yeah, I guess having kids would be cool, raising a family, buying a family dog and stuff — crazy stuff like that. That’d be awesome.
— Caroline Nachazel