How do you feel about being hungover in Friday morning classes?
I usually wouldn’t mind but I now feel like I am getting a bad reputation for it. One time I walked into my class Friday, really hung over, and we had to get into small groups and I could tell nobody wanted to be in my group because I was so visibly hung over.
Pores reeking of alchohol?
Yeah, like right now at this moment. It is definitely a scent of vodka and Sake bombs.
Have you ever stolen a car?
No. After I saw that movie “”The Hangover”” I really wanted to steal a cop car, but I feel like it would not go down the same as in the movie.
If I were to tell you right now that you only had one day to accomplish your life goals, how would you go about that?
I would drop out of school, move home … one day! I would need a lot of money and I don’t know how to acquire all that. I’d be a really good hooker, that’s what I’d do.
Favorite song to get down to in the clubs?
“”Born This Way”” by Lady Gaga, it’s my jam. It comes on at IBT’s and they know who’s on the floor.
How were you “”Born This Way?””
Failed birth control.