? You Talkin’ to Me: Conflict Management. The Professional Success Institute will put on this lecture about minimizing conflict. 8:30-11:30 a.m. University Services building, Room 214
? Arizona Telemedicine program lecture series: “”Health Care in Panama and Latin America.”” This is the seventh of 12 lectures about health care in Panama and Latin America. Noon to 1 p.m. Arizona Cancer Center, Room 2920
? Movie screening of “”Rumi Returning.”” This movie is about the life and death of the Islamic poet Rumi. 7 p.m. Integrated Learning Center, Room 120
? Africana Studies film series spring 2008 presents “”Dreamgirls.”” This movie is an adaptation of the Broadway musical, and stars Beyoncé Knowles. 5-7 p.m.
? Campus take back the night 2008. This event will feature speeches about sexual assault, and will have music by Leila Lopez and local mariachi bands. 6-9 p.m. Woman’s Plaza of Honor