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Fast Facts
April 26, 2007
- Robins become drunk after eating holly berries and often fall off power lines.
The Bank of America used to be called The Bank of Italy.
A pumping human heart can squirt blood 30 feet.
Telesphobia is the fear of being last.
The Ford Motor Company earned an average two-dollar profit on every Model T it produced.
Johnny Carson, Michael Douglas and Clint Eastwood were all once gas station attendants.
It takes 16,650 kernels of durum wheat to make a pound of pasta.
New York became the first state to require license plates on cars in 1901.
The largest country in Africa is Sudan.
The baseball glove was invented in Canada in 1883.
Teddy Roosevelt became the first president to act in a movie in 1908 when he starred as himself in a comedy.
It takes 1 million cloud droplets to form a single raindrop.
More babies are conceived in December than in any other month.
Americans eat, on average, 100 pounds of beef a year. Half of this is in the form of hamburger.
When groundhogs predict the start of spring, they’re wrong 72 percent of the time.
In Brooklyn, New York, it’s illegal to let a dog sleep in your bathtub.