Listen to:
Clandestino by Manu Chao on your way to Nogales. An energetic album in which Manu Chao combines Spanish, English and French, singing to give a real feel of a border town. If you can’t buy the album, download the song “”Welcome to Tijuana”” anyway.
“”Tequila”” by The Champs while getting ready to go out.
“”Tijuana Lady”” by Gomez, if you want a chilled-out British perspective on Mexico.
“”Six Kinds of Sky: A Collection of Short Fiction”” by Luis Alberto Urrea on the beach. These shorter stories are perfect for travel, it’s like you have six books but only have to make room in your suitcase for one!
“”The Death of Artemio Cruz: A Novel”” by Carlos Fuentes to get a better idea of how the Mexican Revolution shaped modern Mexico.
“”The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.”” This engaging story of Tommy Lee Jones’s harrowing journey to Mexico to bury his friend will make you forget how upset you are that you now need a passport to re-enter the U.S.
“”The Mexican”” so you know what to do if you meet Brad Pitt in Nogales.
“”Desperado”” as a reminder to avoid upsetting people in bars with guitar cases.
– compiled by Astrid Duffy