Arizona utility player Brad Glenn came off a stellar weekend for the No. 23 Arizona baseball team after hitting a walk-off two-run home run on Saturday and contributing to both Friday and Sunday’s comeback victories. He hit a home run and had three RBIs last night to extend UA’s winning streak to 11 games. The Arizona Daily Wildcat caught up with Glenn to discuss momentum in college baseball, the Dean’s List and Guitar Hero.
Wildcat: You’ve been the hero with late inning heroics. Tell me about it and how big this sweep was.
Glenn: Everybody else on the team in the middle of our lineup, Ziegler and Baird, have been carrying us the whole years. It’s about time I stepped up and started hitting.
W: How important was it to get a sweep over the weekend in the Pacific 10 Conference?
G: It’s huge. Now were (7-6) and we’re on a little win streak here and hopefully it’ll continue. It’s real big to get this sweep.
W: Now on an 11-game winning streak, how big is momentum in college baseball?
G: It’s huge. As you can see even negative momentum is huge. Even halfway through the season we had some negative momentum, nothing goes your way. Momentum is a big thing in college baseball.
W: The Wildcat’s athlete of the week: Great honor or greatest honor you’ve ever had?
G: Um, (pause) great honor. I’d say greatest honor I’ve ever had with playing baseball and everything, I was on the Dean’s List and I felt that was a really
big honor.
W: How tough is it with the schedule this year, traveling, being away from classes?
G: It’s rough. You just have to communicate with your teachers and just let them know you’ll be gone the whole year. You know, hopefully they’ll work around it and give you tests when you get back or give you tests on the road.
W: I heard you are the Guitar Hero. True story?
G: I used to be. Now I can’t really play that much. I’ll get a little Rock Band in there every now and then. But yeah, last year I was the Guitar Hero.
W: Could you play without looking at the screen?
G: Yeah, I can do a few songs without looking.
W: Did you beat the whole game?
G: Oh yeah.
W: Maybe now in the hotels on the road trips?
G: Yeah we’ve just been playing a lot of cards lately on the road trips. It keeps our mind off baseball but it’s good to be around everyone.
W: How else do you guys keep your minds
off baseball?
G: Computer games.
W: What games?
G: World of Warcraft.
W: Really?
G: We’ve got three other people on the team playing and it keeps our mind off baseball.
– interview by Bryan Roy