Have you heard about the political debate taking place in Tucson tonight?
I have, it’s between Terri Goddard and Jan Brewer, it’s going to be on channel 6 at 7 p.m.
Whoa girl, you know your politics — you really are a political science major.
I actually am. I actually interned for Terri Goddard over the summer.
I hit the jackpot with you for this interview. Tell us about it, what did you do?
I answered phones, coordinated some events, went to fundraisers, met a lot of really cool people. Campaigns are very, very difficult to work in; however, I learned a lot and I really did appreciate the experience.
So I take it you are liberal?
I am, yes.
What topics do you think Goddard and Brewer will focus on?
I think one of the biggest topics they will focus on is obviously S.B. 1070 and also education is very, very critical here in Arizona.
Especially with the new elementary prop they were trying to pass.
Yes, and especially since Tucson is known for the University of Arizona, education will definitely be one of the hot topics for tonight.
How do you feel about people, eligible students like myself, who are perfectly able to vote and are not registered to vote?
I feel that they should really go out there register, and get there vote out there. It is very important to vote within your state. I mean obviously national elections are much more popular to vote as the Obama administration said, but that whole campaign was routed for the young vote and I really think that young democrats or republicans should really get there vote out in this upcoming state-wide election for their governor.
So you’d have to agree with P. Diddy’s ‘VOTE OR DIE’ campaign?
I would have to agree with that 100 percent.
What are you most nervous about in this upcoming semester?
I am most nervous about my simulation and contemporary and international politics class.
And what are you most nervous about for this upcoming weekend?
No comment. Let’s stick to the political discussion.
How do you feel about political statements being thrown around via Facebook statuses?
They are fine, if you have an opinion, express it. However, if you are going to make a statement about something political, you better make sure you know what you are talking about because a lot of people out there especially, our age, love making strong opinions yet they have absolutely no idea what they are even talking about, they just heard it from the kid next to them in one of their lectures.
— Caroline Nachazel