Mortar Board scholarship available
Mortar Board is accepting applications for the Mortar Board Scholarship and the Jody Winn-Oden Memorial Scholarship. The organization is also accepting nominations for the Mortar Board Hall of Fame Award for a female faculty member and the 2007 Woman of the Year Class Awards for freshmen, sophomore or junior females. Visit for more information.
One thing leads to another…
Tying your tie too tightly can restrict the flow of blood through your jugular vein, which can put pressure on your eyeballs, which can lead to glaucoma, which is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. Just something to think about for your next presentation, business majors.
Not invited? It’s OK…
Google’s e-mail service, Gmail, has always been like a private club; an account could only be created if a user sends a non-user an invitation to join. But now, anyone who likes can sign up, leaving old-school Gmailers to cry on their keyboards.