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Fast Facts
March 30, 2007
- An adult electric eel generates enough electricity to power a medium-sized house.
Of all the words in the English language, the word “”set”” has the most definitions. lists more than 100 definitions.
In the original comic book, Superman couldn’t fly.
The Adam’s apple is actually thyroid cartilage.
Eighty-nine percent of Americans don’t have a valid passport.
The autographs of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are more valuable than those of any other presidents.
One self-help book in Japan claims clenching your butt 100 times a day fights depression. Try it.
Several vials of pimple cream were found in King Tut’s tomb.
Some breeds of vultures can fly at altitudes of 36,900 feet.
The sun rotates once every 26.8 days.
One billion people would fill Chicago roughly 305 times.
Butter was the first food permitted by law to have artificial food coloring.
Water can flow through a plant at four miles per hour.
In Finland, saunas outnumber cars.
When Italy was founded in 1861, only 3 percent of Italians spoke Italian fluently.
Kangaroos are lactose-intolerant.