Online comments
From “Go Greek or go home?: ASUA dominated by Greek Life” (by Brittny Mejia, Feb. 27)
ASUA should not be dominated by any one particular group, whether that be Greek Life or not. But there is a problem with ASUA being dominated by greek-affiliated members, those that can afford to be a part of Greek Life are white, middle-class students. This does not adequately address issues that minority and/or low-income students deal with and for that reason ignores certain realities. It is time to change up ASUA and to have a more diverse representation at UA. And I am not sure what is meant here by “doing a good job”; that is very unclear. A good job for who? Important questions to address.
— ckelly
The reason Ahva Sadeghi is considered a “wild card” is not because she is not affiliated with Greek Life, it is because she has never held a position in the ASUA office and because of this, does not know how ASUA works. There are many people in ASUA that are not a part of Greek Life, both appointed and elected positions. A good candidate for any office should not be judged based off of which organizations they are or are not affiliated with; a good candidate should be someone who will do a good job and knows what the job they are applying for entails. Almost all of Ahva Sadeghi’s platforms are things that ASUA already does (like the diversity coalition idea and monthly visits to the capitol), is currently working on (like her tuition freeze platform) or things her office actually does not oversee and has no part of (like her club platforms).
— Anonymous
If you know how to read, you would be able to understand that this story is clearly not endorsing anyone. It’s called using a source relevant to the issue that is being presented, which is that non-Greek Life candidates do have to work more to earn ASUA positions. Simple as that. Stop trying to create an issue that isn’t there.
Well-written, well-researched story.
ASUA is not run by Greek Life. Also, knowing that the student body is 15 percent greek shows that AT LEAST more than 1/10 members in ASUA are likely greek as well. ASUA, much like anything, is also a collaboration effort, and basing your vote on something so black and white is ridiculous.
Winning elections simply comes down to getting the most votes. If you have more connections, you will get more votes. Being in a greek organization connects to you a specific chapter (between 70 to 250 votes depending on the chapter) and a network of other greeks (thousands of other individuals). Greek Life is definitely one way to gain support and is a big outlet for votes, but being involved in ANY organization can fill this void. Ahva is involved in over 15 clubs on campus, so she will not have to “work harder” to network herself.
— Anonymous