“”Football, because it’s an electric environment at each home game when it goes crazy in the ZonaZoo.””
– Austin Sutliff, undeclared sophomore
“”Football, because we’re not a basketball anymore with the rise of the football program and the stagnant basketball program. It definitely has to be football. Go ‘Cats, baby!””
– Nick Tomerello, business sophomore
“”Basketball obviously, but 2010 it’s all FOOTBALL””.
– Nick DeLanders, business sophomore
“”Baseball, because you have the loyal fans that show up every Sunday to watch a true American pastime sport.””
– Corey Burbach, economics sophomore
“”Women’s softball, because they have the most national championships among any sport here at the UA.””
– Max Edson, business junior
“”Football, because it’s so crazy in the ZonaZoo, which shows the dedication of our fans here at the UA.””
– Jack Cullinan, business sophomore
“”Football, of course, because most of the students here attend football simply because we have a high-ranking team and the ZonaZoo is crazy.””
– Troy Landsburg, business sophomore
“”Baseball, because a lot of people don’t know this, but Arizona has a lot of good baseball because the weather here is so good year-round, which is perfect for baseball. Both (the) club and varsity teams are both pretty good.””
– John Slazyk,civil engineering sophomore