Welcome to the future, ladies and gentlemen, or should I say robots and cyborgs? The year is 2135 and we, for the most part, are all dead. The UA, however, is not, but you’d be hard pressed to recognize the changes that have manifested themselves in the past 125 years.
For one, the classroom has changed; no longer do students have to physically travel to class at a certain time of day. They simply sit down and pull projection caps over their heads from anywhere in the world and watch as their professors broadcast their lessons to all of the students. Most of the buildings on campus are upgraded, except for Old Main, which now looks archaic in comparison, and most of the space in the buildings is now dedicated to the latest research in various fields. Many large lecture halls still remain for the purposes of taking tests, which are still administered physically, for the most part.
Sixth Street Parking Garage now doubles as a space port where weekly trips are launched to the Mars colony, pioneered with help from the UA. The university continues to expand and now has more than 100,000 undergraduates.
And of course, the more things change, the more they stay the same; the UA football team, now in the Pac-36 Conference, still has not gone to the Rose Bowl … only joking!
— Brett Haupt is a journalism junior.