We found journalism freshman Audrey Connors drinking something in a Pepsi cup at the Student Union Memorial Center.
Wildcat: You’re on the spot. I wrote these questions because I wanted to talk to those people over there at the Pepsi Challenge, but they were out of soda. So I’m going to ask you anyway because soda is a pretty cool thing. A lot of people drink it, a lot of people have opinions, a lot of people want to talk about it.
Connors: OK.
W: What is your favorite soda?
C: Diet Coke?
W: Why?
C: I like the taste?
W: Is that really good enough?
C: It’s refreshing, it’s diet. There are no calories in it.
W: What soda’s better, Pepsi or regular Coke?
C: I think they’re the same.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper?
C: Dr. Pepper.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or Fanta? See, these are the Pepsi questions. Sorry.
C: Pepsi.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or Diet Pepsi?
C: Diet Pepsi.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or Diet Pepsi Max Invigorating Cola … with ginseng.
C: I guess the new one?
(Her friend): It was actually pretty delicious when I had it today.
W: Did they give you a free bottle?
(Her friend): A can.
W: It’s like those church groups who give out the free water on the Mall. You think it’s going to be a water bottle that says, “”Water you doing Sunday?”” but it’s just a water cooler and they give you a little cup. It’s like, I could get free water at a drinking fountain. What’s better, Pepsi or milk?
C: Pepsi.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or champagne?
C: Champagne.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or Guinness?
C: Pepsi.
W: What’s better, Pepsi or sweat squeezed from a lioness caring for her young?
C: Pepsi.
W: What’s better, tree bark or Pepsi?
C: I haven’t tried that one either, but I guess it’s Pepsi.
W: What’s better, chairs or Pepsi?
C: Pepsi.
W: What’s better to sit on?
C: Oh, OK. This isn’t the same now.
W: What about a chair made out of Pepsi?
C: That wouldn’t be very good.
W: What about a frozen Pepsi chair … that’s … made…
C: I don’t think that would work very well.
W: What about Pepsi cans made into a chair … that looked similar to that chair … but are made out of Pepsi cans?
C: I mean, if it was stable enough, I guess that would work.
– interview by Andi Berlin