Our days begin the second our alarms ring in our ears each morning. From there, we begin another day. A good morning routine sets the mood for the next 24 hours in the day that lies ahead of us.
In a blog post published by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the author explains the power of morning routines and states, “having a morning routine can increase your energy, productivity and positivity. It also generates momentum, building up to the brain’s peak time for cognitive work (late morning).”
NAMI lays out suggestions for steps to have a productive day: ease into the day, eat breakfast, read, stimulate your body and begin work with a positive mindset.
Dictionary.com defines routine as, “a customary or regular course of procedure” and “regular, unvarying, habitual, unimaginative, or rote procedure.”
Having a structure to our days helps us to feel more organized and motivated. As we have heard before, “consistency is key.” Having a consistent routine helps to give our day a meaning and a purpose. The habits we create for ourselves through routines that we follow help us to get more accomplished, stay focused and give us a sense of control over our day.
A structured schedule is something that we create for ourselves and we are in control of. The set schedule is something that we can always count on to be consistent.
I am someone who thrives when I have a routine. I start my day around 8 a.m. when my alarm first goes off, then making a cup of coffee, checking my email and then getting ready to head to my first class. This is the schedule of every weekday morning for me.
The simple structure I follow each morning is a part of my day that is always consistent. I know that I need a set plan for each day or I feel unorganized. I have found that following the same routine each morning is the key to having a productive day.
When we think of routines, our minds often wander to what we see on social media. Perfect mornings beginning before the sun is up, going for a work out and making a healthy breakfast all before 7 a.m. However, this isn’t realistic for everyone and, more often than not, what we are seeing on social media isn’t 100% truthful.
Routines look different for everyone, and there is no right or wrong routine to have. We all have different lives, tasks to complete and habits we have created for ourselves. What is important is that the way we spend our days is making us feel motivated and like our best selves. It’s up to us how we choose to spend our 24 hours of the day, and having a routine is the perfect way to keep us on track.
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Julianna is a senior majoring in journalism and sociology. She enjoys writing and reporting on topics related to mental and physical health and wellness.