More than 10 percent of Americans have admitted to picking someone else’s nose.
A tapeworm can grow to a length of 30 feet inside human intestines.
Armadillos can be housebroken.
A hummingbird’s wings beat 70 times per second.
In Brooklyn, N.Y., it’s illegal to let a dog sleep in your bathtub.
In Atlanta, it’s illegal to tie a giraffe to a streetlight or telephone pole.
In Sarasota, Fla., it’s illegal to wear a swimsuit while singing in a public place.
You can think 625 thoughts on the caloric energy of one Cheerio.
The peanut is one of the most concentrated sources of nourishment.
Twenty-three percent of the world’s landmass is buried under snow at least part of the year.
The average cow produces 70,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime.
When groundhogs predict the start of spring, they’re wrong 72 percent of the time.
The moon is moving away from the Earth at the rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
The average stamp, when licked, has one-tenth of a calorie.
Comedian Stan Laurel was married eight times, but had only four wives.
Sean Connery was once selected as Scotland’s Mr. Universe.
The song “”You’re a Grand Old Flag”” was originally called “”You’re a Grand Old Rag.””