Parking hikes explained
Parking and Transportation Services is holding an Open House in the Kiva room of the Student Union Memorial Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The campus community is invited to learn more about the parking rate increases for 2009-2012, as well as the new alternative transportation programs and improvements supported by the rate increase.
Living with eating disorders
The ASUA’s Women’s Resource Center will be show the film “”Thin.”” This movie takes you inside the walls of the Renfrew Center, a national treatment center for women with eating disorders. It will be shown at the Gallagher Theater at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Geography mag turns 10
“”You are here: the journal of creative geography,”” an annual arts magazine published by UA geography students, celebrates its 10th anniversary. The celebration will include readings from its most recent issue. It will be held at UA Poetry Center, Helen S. Schaefer Building at 7 p.m.