Hands Across Campus
Diversity Initiatives invites campus community members to fight racism, bias and bigotry at the Hands Across Campus event today on the UA Mall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The group needs 1,000 people to join hands around the Mall. Participants will be given free pizza and massages. There will also be music, diversity-awareness booths and resources.
Go fly a kite
It’s been windy for the past week, and the Weather.com forecast calls for winds between 10 and 20 mph today, as well as more wind throughout the week, with strong gusts of 25-plus mph. You can buy a decent kite at Target or Wal-Mart for about $10.
Cell phones now a hazardous waste
Cell phones, which are discarded by the millions each year, classify as hazardous waste, according to a study published in this month’s American Chemical Society’s Environmental Science and Technology. Researchers found lead in “”leachate”” – the liquid that dribbles out into the soil from cell phones in landfills – at a level high enough to classify cell phones as hazardous waste.