March 9, 1956
Another step toward making possible the actual use of atomic energy in peacetime industry has been taken by Dr. Wallace H. Fuller of te UA department of agriculture.
Under contract with the U.S. Atomic Energy OCmmission, Dr. Fuller conducted experiements on the effect of radioactive strontium 90 on food and field crops.
Radioactive strontium 90 one of the major waste products of any atomic industry, is considered the most biologizally hazardous of the bi-products of nuclear fission.
Eating of plants containing large quantities of radiostronium might result in accumulation of this elecment in the bones in amounts which could cause bone tumors and possible injury to blood forming organs.
Dr. Fuller’s experiements dealt with varying proprotionos of radioactive strontium, a determination of the quantities that might be transmitted by plants to animals and humans and measures that might be used to control the contaminating elements.
“”Before the atomic industry canget started , we must understand thoughally, the control and sisposal of waste products,”” stated Dr. Fuller.
One wway to prevent hazard is to have the Atomic Energy COmmision hold adio active wstes in large tanks on government reservations. The Cominssion also proposed regulations which will require atomic industrial operations to discharge radioactive wastes to the envirponment only in concentrations which are considered safe.
Food crops used in radiostrontium research included clover, bean barley, wheat, lettuce, tomatoes, spinache, radish, and rye grass.