Is this your first year here?
Yeah, first year.
What is the biggest difference between high school and college?
The girls, definitely.
How so?
A lot bigger selection, more diversity, lots of sorority girls, which I am not really into but there are sophisticated girls which I like.
If you had to pick this or high school again what are you picking, would you go back to high school for another year?
I would go back my senior year just because of all of the close friendships I have had. All of my best friends are at ASU while I am over here at U of A.
Do you rub it in their face that you are at a better school?
Oh yeah definitely.
What is the best ASU joke that you have?
What does an ASU graduate call a U of A graduate?
Do you still talk to a lot of your high school friends still?
Oh yeah definitely, through like Facebook.
What is your plans over the summer, are you going to see some of your high school friends?
I am actually going to Europe for like a month and a half to take a tour around Europe. After that I will probably just chill with a couple friends back home.
What is your worst high school memory?
All of the studying for AP tests, all of the stressful work.