We called Safe Walk employees Malia Uhatafe, a religious studies junior, and Xenia Hernandez, a junior majoring in Spanish and Portuguese, and asked them to escort us from the Park Student Union to the Marley building.
Hernandez: Are you going to the Marley building?
Wildcat: It’s over here, right?
H: No, it’s that way.
W: Isn’t the building over that way?
Uhatafe: The Marley building?
W: Well, I thought it was over that way.
U: What does it look like?
W: It’s brown. It’s got the brown tiles, with the brick, you know? And it’s, I think it’s over that way.
H: Are you going to a real destination?
W: I think so. So what if someone comes with a machete? I don’t want to be rude, but we’re three
girls. Do you know self-defense?
H: I’ve taken self-defense. We’re carrying around flashlights and pepper spray.
W: What if you get lost?
H: We know our way around campus pretty well.
W: So what do you guys do? Do you have a boyfriend?
H: No.
W: Do you have a girlfriend?
H: No. I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.
U: So what do you do when you’re not at the Wildcat?
W: I’m a janitor, actually. Oh shoot. Have you heard about the people who tip over the turtles in the turtle pond? I have to make sure the turtles aren’t tipped over.
U: OK. Do you want a flashlight?
W: OK, let’s look. Where is the turtle pond?
U: I think it’s over there.
W: Oh, you’re right. (Starts picking through bushes.)
Look under here. No, look under here. Can you shine it in there? No. OK, look under here. OK, look over here. Oh, there are people over there. Let’s go.
H: Where exactly is this building?
W: It’s over here. Oh shit. I always freaking do this!
H: It’s OK, we can take you there.
W: What else was I going to ask? Let’s see. What’s your favorite type of sea animal?
H: I don’t have one.
W: You don’t have one?
H: Turn here.
W: Do you guys have to go to the bathroom?
H: Do you?
W: Kinda. Is there a bathroom around somewhere?
U: Can’t you wait until we get to the building?
W: How far is the building?
U: It’s right by PSU (Park Student Union). Let’s just go there, and you can look for a bathroom.
W: What’s this art thing? (Points to a purple tarp around a tree.) This is so weird.
H: You probably don’t want to destroy that.
W: No, it looks pretty good.
H: OK, well, I don’t think you should be touching that. (After a few more minutes.) This is the Marley building.
W: All right. So, should I tip you?
Both: No, no, no.
– interview by Andi Berlin