How I learned to stop worrying and love YouTube
There’s this YouTube series, “”David Forgets,”” where a guy named David forgets bits of common knowledge, such as “”Cats are harmless”” or “”How to keep a joke practical.”” Upon first watching it, I thought it was a little tacky – but it slowly grew on me and actually became quite hilarious. The guy who plays David is half-laughing throughout most of his performance in “”cats are harmless,”” but it’s pretty entertaining. It’s the most recent of the videos in the series and was added eight days ago. This short clip is about David forgetting that cats can’t hurt him, so he acts deathly afraid of them and can’t escape them. I recommend checking it out if you enjoy tame, mindless, yet enjoyable humor. I counted about 22 “”David Forgets”” videos and I have to say, the whole “”funny because it’s true”” angle is amusing. It’s not hilarious, but you can see that these guys put some work into the videos, or perhaps it just comes naturally – either way, it’s definitely something to be mentioned.
Language barriers are confusing
There is now a Spanish version of Sarah Silverman’s “”I’m fucking Matt Damon,”” which I guess is supposed to be a parody. The video, which I found on, is not only confusing due to the language barrier, but also a little awkward. Instead of Silverman and Damon, Martina Klein, left, is fucking Miki Nadal. The clip is only about 54 seconds long and does not make much sense to me at all. Americans and our silly digital clips seem to be influencing others around the world.
It’s a fat man’s, man’s, man’s world
An article in The New York Times Monday reported a new study said there is a larger bias against obese women than there is against obese men. The article stated it takes only a “”modest weight gain”” for a woman to be discriminated against, but men can get fat and happy for a while before they start feeling the hate. The article also went on to say that the study, done by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, said weight discrimination against women is just as prevalent as racial discrimination. Women with a body mass index of 27 or higher reported weight discrimination in the workplace and in personal relationships, according to the article, whereas men can go all the way up to 35 before they are discriminated against. So, what this tells us really, is that this is still a man’s world. As one comment said, whether you are fat, skinny, tall, short or somewhere in between, men will always have a little more leeway to look the way they want than women. There were several posts following the article that were quite amusing, one post even saying that they were shocked it took a study to determine it. You be the judge.