From “ASU fraternity life: An endangered tradition” by Ryan Lynch
Like many incoming freshmen, I came to college expecting my weekends to be full of house parties with supermodels, kegs and the occasional pig running through the house. Instead, I found that fraternity row had been knocked down.
Change is inevitable and can be good, but here we are at ASU, 85 years after the establishment of Greek life on campus, with limited housing, limited freedom and limited patience. What’s next?
Fraternity life is dying out at ASU. It’s not something I want to see happen; it’s just something I think will happen. So, for those of you still thinking about a joining a fraternity — I say do it. It was one of the best decisions I made here at college. Just remember to enjoy it while it lasts. The type of fraternity your father joined no longer exists at ASU. And the type of fraternity you’ve joined, if any at all, might not be there for your kids.
The State Press
Arizona State University
From “Judicial Watch lawsuit lacks legal, moral basis” by Aram Ghoogasian
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free’—unless they don’t have the proper paperwork and want to go to college.
Judicial Watch recently filed a lawsuit against the University of California Board of Regents to stop the UC from granting in-state tuition and financial aid to undocumented students, claiming that doing so is a violation of federal law.
Abandoning undocumented students instead of providing them with an education would only leave this specific population with increased chances of incarceration, a problem many undocumented individuals already face. This is not to say, of course, that undocumented individuals without an education are bound to run into trouble with the law. But it is to say that the poor, especially poor people of color, are at a higher risk of finding themselves in prisons than the rest of the population.
The case against undocumented students is reminiscent of the other tired arguments about immigration and doesn’t add any new or useful information to the conversation.
If the United States is to live up to its “land of opportunity” moniker, tuition equality is essential. Raising tuition rates for undocumented students won’t solve the immigration crisis, but it will leave more youth on the streets in poor living conditions on a fast track to a prison cell and poverty, a reality that California can’t afford now, or ever.
Daily Bruin
University of California, Los Angeles