Student allegedly tried to stay awake with extra Adderall, alcohol
A student was taken to University Medical Center and charged with minor in possession of alcohol on Thursday after collapsing.
Police responded to a call in the Navajo-Pinal Residence Hall. Paramedics were already on scene when they arrived. A student said he had been prescribed Adderall for his asthma and that he was supposed to take one pill a day.
He told police that he had taken two extra pills in addition to his normal prescription. Police asked, for clarification, if he had taken three pills in the last 12 hours. The student told the police officers that he had. Reports stated that the student also smelled strongly of intoxicants and had extremely bloodshot, watery eyes.
A female, who said she had been with the man for most of the day, agreed to talk to police. She said that she witnessed him take four to five shots of vodka over the last couple of hours. She also told police that she was aware that he took Adderall for asthma and that she had seen him take two extra pills.
He told her that he wanted to stay awake to study and that was why he wanted to take extra pills. She said she decided to call paramedics after his speech became too slurred to understand and he fell to the ground outside of his room. Paramedics said he was not in any immediate danger, but transported him to UMC to be monitored.
While there, it was determined that he had a BAC of .182. He told police that he was not trying to harm himself by mixing alcohol and medication, but that he just wanted to stay awake.
The student was cited and released at UMC for minor in possession of alcohol. He was also referred to the Dean of Students Office.
Two men charged with alleged bike theft, contributing to delinquency of a minor
Police were dispatched for a reference to a bike theft at Coronado Residence Hall on Thursday.
A man said that he observed two white men and one Hispanic man with a goatee steal a bike from the bike rack on the north part of Coronado. The student said the Hispanic man cut the cable lock with an unknown object and took a dark-colored mountain bike.
He said one of the other men then got on the bike and rode it toward Sixth Street. The Hispanic man and other man walked behind the person on the bike toward Sixth Street as well.
The man said that the three men could easily see him sitting on a bench when they stole a bike, and he knew that he and two other people who were there could easily identify the men again.
Police found three men matching the descriptions given to them on Eighth Street and Freemont Avenue. One of the men was pushing a purple Huffy mountain bike. Police approached the men and asked for identification. Another officer was called to the scene to bring the witnesses in order to identify the men as the people who stole the bike. All three witnesses identified the men as the ones they saw take the bike from the dorm area. The mens’ information was run, showing that two of them had warrants out for their arrests. The other male turned out to be only 15 years old. The men agreed to talk to police.
One of the men said that the Hispanic man had gone up to the bike rack, removed a set of wire cutters from his pocket and cut the bike chain. He then told the other man, “”Grab it!”” He said that he took the bike and ran toward Sixth Street to get away.
The man also told police that he knew taking the bike was stealing, but that it had not been planned. The man told officers that the boy who was with them was his little brother, and they had just been on a walk with the other man when the bike was stolen. The boy told the men not to do it, but he said they did not listen to him. When asked why a young boy was out so late, the man said, “”He was just with me. I didn’t want him to get into any trouble.””
The Hispanic man told officers that they had just ended up on campus, and when he saw all of the bikes, he just wanted to steal one. When he saw a lock that his wire cutters could get to, he decided to cut it off and steal the bike.
Police asked him if he had planned on stealing a bike because he was carrying wire cutters, to which he replied, “”I don’t really want to answer that question.””
He also told officers that he had never stolen a bike from campus before. He gave police the wire cutters after telling them the story. When asked why the young boy was out stealing bikes with them, he said, “”Hey, it’s no big deal.””
Police interviewed the young boy last. He said that he thought they were being stupid and kept telling them that, saying, “”You guys are being fucking stupid. Take the bike back.”” The men did not listen to him, though. He told police he did not know that they were planning on stealing the bike.
The two men were handcuffed and searched. The older brother was searched first, and during their search, police found a small baggie containing a leafy substance they believed to be marijuana in his front pocket. He told police, “”That’s my marijuana,”” and said that he was the only one who had smoked; the other two only watched him.
The other man had no drugs or paraphernalia on him.
The older brother was charged with theft, criminal damage, marijuana possession and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The other man was charged with criminal damage, theft and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Both had warrants and were taken to the Pima County Jail where they were booked.
The boy was taken to the Pima Country Juvenile Detention Center where he was booked.