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Fast Facts
April 20, 2007
- Human hair is as strong as aluminum.
Six weeks after an aluminium can is recycled, it’s back on the shelf in the form of a new can.
Elvis Presley got a C in his eighth-grade music class.
Malaria is the most destructive disease in human history.
When a waitress draws a happy face on a check, tips go up 18 percent. When a waiter does, tips increase only 3 percent.
Forty percent of nurses say they wouldn’t want their family treated in hospitals where they work.
Marriage makes a woman more likely to become depressed. Men are less likely.
Nearly all boys grow as tall as their mothers.
Identical twins always have the same blood type.
Aristotle first purposed the idea that there was a continent at the South Pole.
Accident rates rise 10 percent in the first week of daylight savings time.
James Madison was the first president to wear long pants instead of knee breeches.
Jupiter is large enough to fit all the planets in the solar system inside it.
If you don’t remove an avocado’s pit, it won’t turn black, even when you peel it.
Horses can’t sit.