Wildcat: Do you think being green and helping the environment is becoming too trendy with young people to the point where it’s more about going with what is popular now?
Somewhat. With the clothing and things like that, people say things like, ‘Yeah, I’m green,’ but they’re not actually doing anything. In that sense, it’s becoming too trendy. But I’m liking the way that people are actually taking the time to become more eco-friendly and whatnot. Every little bit that people know and do really does make a difference.
– Nikki Herndon
Wildcat: If students are attaching themselves to the green effort because it is trendy, does that diminish the fight to become eco-friendly?
Not at all. It’s good to see people finally concerned about it. There are some people looking into the long term and other people doing it because it’s the thing to do right now. It’s all helping out the same in the end.
– Erin Biber
Wildcat: What do you think about when people become involved in the green effort perhaps for the wrong reasons, either because it’s popular or because celebrities are telling them to do it?
It’s good that they’re getting into something positive, regardless of their intentions. I think that because they’re role models, whether positive or negative, it’s still good to see that people are looking up to them and see that they can get into (the green effort) in an actually genuine way.
– Anna Moreno
Wildcat: What do you think about businesses capitalizing on the green craze and making money on the issue?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, because it just helps to publicize it more. It’s definitely an important issue that people should be concerned about. It’s always a good thing when you buy stuff, and some of the profits end up going toward that good cause. People are definitely becoming more enlightened on the subject.
– Amy Wieseneck
Wildcat: Why is being green suddenly so trendy? Why do we hear so much about the green effort every day?
People are recycling more and doing more things for the planet. I think that’s why you hear more about it now – because people are doing more. It’s not about whether it’s popular or not popular. This is a cause we all need to gather behind, because the earth belongs to all of us.
– Phyllis Kenigsberg