MTV’s “”The Girls of Hedsor Hall”” is yet another reality television show that focuses on fixing wayward girls. In the same vein as VH1’s Charm School series, this show tries to fix girls by making them conform to ladylike stereotypes of proper behavior. One girl was chastised for telling the school’s donor what she did for a living. “”You shouldn’t want people to know that,”” replied the headmistress, who did not take into account that maybe the girl was proud of her employment status.
The show aims to teach women to have self-respect but only insofar as it means she stops drinking and having sex, which is not the only remedy for gaining self-respect, especially since most of the girls admit that they already have respect for themselves.
The next batch of mannerly shows should focus on educating girls via feminism without the confines of being a demure lady who can balance a book on her head. Classes would focus on how to productively use your time to incite social change, how to engage in projects that benefit the community, not on flower arranging and how to properly set a table.
-ÿAlexandria Kassman is a creative writing and Spanish senior.