President Robert Shelton and his wife, Adrian, were greeted with a gift basket filled with an assortment of everything from UA-authored books to prickly pear jelly at their first Faculty Senate meeting yesterday.
Shelton said that the faculty was his highest priority at the meeting, which took place at the James E. Rogers College of Law building.
One of the issues introduced to members of the senate concerned the University of Arizona Police Department’s jurisdiction on and around campus.
Chief of Police Anthony Daykin said the jurisdiction can be confusing, but UAPD has jurisdiction in all UA buildings, even offices within buildings not owned by the UA, such as the hospital.
Daykin said the shooting this weekend was a prime example because UAPD did not have jurisdiction at the Taco Bell, where the initial altercation that led to the shooting took place.
The department solves this problem by having an intergovernmental agreement with Tucson Police Department, allowing the two forces to work together when necessary.
Daykin said UAPD received more than 700 emergency-related calls last year.
Normally, if UAPD is contacted by phones on campus, the response time is around three minutes, Daykin said.
“”One of the key things to know is that you won’t get lost in the system,”” Daykin said. “”I think the system works, and I think that we’ve proven in the last few years that it does work.””
In other business, Associated Students of the University of Arizona President Erin Hertzog said the Zona Zoo program will be offering more events in response to the increase of passes from $40 to $60 this year.
One such event is a road trip, Hertzog said.