Thursday, July 20
- Geriatric Grand Rounds. Dr. Mark Gilbert, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University Medical Center, will discuss the research and practice of mind-body medicine skills groups in his lecture titled “”Healing in the Eye of the Hurricane.”” Noon. Arizona Cancer Center, Kiewit Auditorium
Friday, July 21
- Seminar. Ever heard of bacteria that have circadian rhythm? If not, come listen to Dr. Carl Johnson from Vanderbilt University give a biochemistry and molecular biophysics seminar titled “”As Time Glows By: Biological Clock Systems in Cyanobacteria from Populations to Molecules.”” 11 a.m. BioSciences West building, Room 208
Monday, July 24.
- Archaeology Summer Camp for adults. If as a child you dreamed of digging in the dirt but now find yourself far from being the next Indiana Jones, there is still a chance. The Arizona State Museum will let you be an archeologist for a week! As part of ASM research, experience firsthand how and what archaeologists learn about Arizona’s ancient cultures through hands-on activities, lectures and tours. The week-long program runs until Friday and costs $300. If interested, call (520) 626-8381. 8 a.m. Arizona State Museum