Two 20-year-olds were cited and released after police spotted their vehicles drag-racing down North Campbell Avenue near East Broadway Boulevard around 1:30 p.m. April 1.
The men told police they were not racing.
However, police observed a white Nissan that was following a red Firebird change lanes to get next to the Firebird.
Both vehicles accelerated rapidly side by side. The vehicles were visually estimated to be traveling around 50 mph.
The driver of the Nissan said he was good friends with the driver of the Firebird. The driver of the Firebird said he did not know the driver of the Nissan.
A 20-year-old student was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol in the body around 1:30 a.m. April 1.
Police found the man stumbling through the parking lot at East First Street and North Warren Avenue.
When the officer confronted the man he said, “”I’m going home”” and tried to walk away, reports stated.
The officer sat the man on the hood of his car and asked what his name was. The man refused to tell the officer his name.
Instead, he slurred that he was 20 years old, so the officer arrested him. The man was set to turn 21 in September.
He was cited and released.
A student reported a fraudulent charge on his credit card made at a Western Union April 1.
The student said he had gone to the software desk at the Student Union Memorial Center, 1303 E. University Blvd., and purchased virus-protection software on March 16 around 12:30 p.m.
The student said the employee who charged him for the purchase was a “”college age”” white male with short, curly, dark blonde hair.
The clerk took the credit card and wrote down the PIN number from the back side of the credit card, the student said.
On March 17, the student noticed a fraudulent charge made on his Bank of America checking account, which occurred around 1:30 p.m. March 16.
He called the bank, and a service representative told him the charge was for $200 with a $33 service fee.
The representative told him the name the money had been transferred to, and police were able to find a similar name in the UA phonebook.
Police forwarded the case to the Detectives Division for a follow-up.
Four students were arrested for minor in possession while they were sitting in a gray SUV parked on East Second Street between North Olive and North Palm roads around 1 a.m. March 31.
The officer noticed a passenger on her hands and knees across the back seat so he went to do a welfare check to see if she needed help.
The driver said her friend was sick, and the officer noticed a denim-colored purse in the front passenger seat with two bottle necks sticking out.
The driver said she had not been drinking that evening. When the officer asked her what was in the purse, she said she did not know whom it belonged to.
One of the passengers in the back seat grabbed the purse and handed it to another passenger, who tried to hide it on her right side.
In the purse, police found a 750-milliliter bottle of Southern Comfort with about one inch of alcohol left in it. There was also a 750-milliliter bottle of raspberry Smirnoff with about a quarter inch of alcohol remaining.
Two of the three minor passengers admitted to drinking alcohol that night. One of the passengers said she would not cooperate. The driver again said she had not been drinking.
Police gave her alcohol tests and saw no signs of impairment. Officers also could not smell alcohol coming from her like they could with the other girls.
Because there were alcohol containers in the vehicle, all four passengers received minor in possessions, as none of them were 21.
Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at