National military budget responsible for state budget problems
While much press is given to Arizona’s budget shortfalls this year, not enough attention is given to the tremendous amount that military occupations factor in all this.
Yes, there was the collapse of home prices and the fall of the stock market, but the occupation of Iraq is costing $340 million a day. In less than half a day – 10 hours – of the Iraq occupation, more money is spent than the entire yearly budget decrease to the UA, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, etc. And now we’re not going to have flowers or fountains on campus? (“”UA to save money by cutting green,”” Feb. 16, 2009) Think of how Old Main is going to look soon with a dead fountain in front of it and wilted flowers.
I hope that everyone, every day, is aware of how much occupations in Asia are hemorrhaging dollars, in a time of economic troubles.
Dana Eyde
Disability Resource Center staffmember
Stimulus pork shows Obama presidency is just business as usual
The president should be ashamed of trying to sell people on the so-called “”stimulus”” plan. In the current $790 billion version, only 15 percent is spent this year. When he is out touring the country saying how badly we need to do something before the crisis turns into a depression, how does that make sense?
The Congressional Budget Office released a report about the stimulus saying they cannot guarantee a single job that will be created. Instead they stated there was massive spending projects that could create some jobs. These are a few of my favorites; $160 million to pay “”volunteers”” at the Corporation for National and Community Service, $45 million for the removal of fish passage barriers and $248 million to buy furniture for the Department of Homeland Security.
There was so much that excited people about Obama during the campaign trail when he talked about bringing hope to Washington. He talked about changing the way things ran. However, what have we gotten so far? The president saying we must pass this or else and there is no time for discussion. The president claiming to be bi-partisan and getting a strict party line vote in the House of Representatives. It seems to me hope and change have turned into fear and the same old political games.
Adam H. Lewis
political science senior
Blame for light rail belongs with Pima County voters
I previously wrote in about the ridiculousness of the proposed Tucson light rail system. (Mailbag, Feb. 10, 2009) It was brought to my attention (which I greatly and profoundly appreciate) that my facts were incorrect.
In 2006, Pima County held a Special Election to vote on two regional transportation proposals. Both were approved by the voters. In short, the voters approved a sales tax increase of 0.6 percent for 20 years (2006-2026) to fund 50 percent of these proposals, while the Federal Transportation Administration would match the raised revenue (up to $75 million) to make up the difference of the other 50 percent.
So, yes, I was incorrect in saying that “”city transportation officials (are wasting) millions of tax payers’ dollars”” on this project. I really need to blame the voters for approving something so ludicrous.
With that said, I still stick by my position: that this is an asinine project, which is only going to stifle automobile traffic in the city’s most congested areas (downtown and the UA) and provide limited transportation options to a small percentage of the Tucson population.
Ryan Parks
undeclared graduate student