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Freshmen Senators making news:
After freshman senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and other Republican senators set precedent by filibustering a republican nominee for defense secretary, another freshman senator, Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), made headlines by challenging the Security and Exchange Commission for not putting any of the major banks that caused the recession on trial. Warren is part of the Senate Banking Committee and, in her first hearing, asked the question that most Americans dealing with the recession are wondering: Why aren’t the banks that caused the recession being held accountable? The SEC had no answers, which led to Warren wondering if banks being “too big to fail” had suddenly become “too big to be held accountable.”
While both of the senators may not have earned any friends on Capitol Hill, it is good to see freshmen senators rolling up their sleeves and starting to take action. While the filibuster may have been a step in the wrong direction in removing the rampant partisanship in Washington, at least it’s balanced out by Warren trying to do something about holding people responsible. But no matter what the politics behind the issue are, it’s really refreshing to see two new faces actually stepping up and doing what they think is right for the country.
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Shaking it like you’re from Harlem:
Finally, the trend of the Harlem Shake is dying down. One could say that the retirement home killed it, or maybe it was the Today Show, or perhaps it was just overkill, but lets be honest, it was probably ASU.
The Harlem Shake was pretty cool in the beginning. There’s something absolutely hilarious about watching an unsuspecting group of people all of a sudden start dancing in ridiculous costumes. But, once everybody and their grandparents’ started doing it, things got out of line.
The Harlem Shake is one of those novelty things that should be done one time and then left alone, like a “Die Hard” or “Hangover” movie. Once multiple copies of the exact same thing are made, it becomes boring and predictable.