Leadership course
Otherwise intelligent people often join our community only to be baffled by strange terms, unusual organizational structures, and a culture unlike any other place they’ve been. Learn how to master the environment. This course is being held for UA employees at 8:30 a.m. in University Services building room 214.
BIO5 progress brief
Come learn about the research in progress at the BIO5 Institute. This will be held in the Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building in room 103 at noon.
Author signing
When a man born to wealth and privilege loses his job and undergoes many hardships. With his sense of entitlement stripped away, Michael Gates Gill became a humbler, happier and gentler man working at Starbucks. The author will discuss his book at the UofA Bookstore at 4:30 p.m.
Career resources
Kick your career into gear this year. Get your resume critiqued, sign up for fall campus interviewing, learn about Career Services’ resources, and much more. This event will take place in the Student Union Memorial Center in room 411 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.