Does anyone still find Sarah Palin jokes funny?
Nearly a year has passed since Sen. John McCain and Palin lost the election. She left her governor job in early July 2009. Palin should be old news, but people still relentlessly insult her decisions.
The Huffington Post finds Sarah Palin’s search for “”job inquiries”” laughable. Just like anyone seeking more work, Palin is trying to give herself a technological edge. Even so, the Huffington Post is unnecessarily harsh in its recent article about Palin’s online account.
The Post story first mentions that the URL for Palin’s LinkedIn profile uses “”/governorpalin”” despite the fact that Palin is no longer, in fact, Alaska’s governor.
Call it false advertisement if you want, but many people still remember Palin by this position. Even the least informed individuals should know about Palin’s resignation, so no one will take this URL title seriously. I highly doubt anyone is under the impression that Palin currently serves as governor, and someone moronic enough to believe that would not be worth working for.
Setting this aside, Palin never states on her actual LinkedIn page that she is still Alaska’s governor. She clearly lays out the beginning and ending months of that position, so unless a job inquirer doesn’t actually study Palin’s resume, he won’t be under the impression that she is still working as governor simply based on her URL profile username.
The snarky article goes on to talk about Palin’s listed educational background. The story states, “”The University of Idaho is the sole education entry on Palin’s LinkedIn profile. She does not list the four other institutions she attended before earning her degree.””
This is not a lie on Palin’s part. She omits insignificant information. Palin transferred quite a bit during her college years, but she ultimately earned her degree from the University of Idaho, so why list any of the other schools she attended? She didn’t earn bachelor’s degrees at any of these places, so their mention on a LinkedIn resume would just be wastes of space. With Palin’s political background, education shouldn’t be the main focus on her professional LinkedIn page.
In an earlier article, the Post refers to a recent Gallup Poll, which determined that, “”Palin’s ratings have not recovered, and her current 40% favorable rating is the lowest for her since she became widely known after last year’s Republican convention.”” The Huffington Post goes on to assume, “”Gallup’s findings emerge in light of the highly-anticipated release of Palin’s memoir, ‘Going Rogue: An American Life.'””
David Letterman even made a video clip on “”Things More Fun than Reading The Sarah Palin Memoir.””
What do these things consist of? “”Getting run over by a lawnmower,”” “”driving into a tree,”” “”walking into traffic,”” and drinking one’s own urine. How hilarious and mature. I expected something clever from Letterman. If someone is really going to poke fun at Palin, he should at least be creative and not resort to tasteless bathroom jokes.
New films haven’t given Palin a rest. The upcoming Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant movie “”Did You Hear About the Morgans?”” pokes fun at Palin in one of the film trailers.
After seeing a brown-haired woman with a rifle, Parker says, “”Oh my God, it’s Sarah Palin.”” I saw this trailer while waiting for “”Couples Retreat”” to start, and I don’t remember anyone in the audience laughing at this particular gag.
Let’s hope I’m not the only one who thinks Palin jokes are unoriginal, old, and kind of pathetic. This lame quote is enough for me to skip the film. If there’s an awful joke in the trailer, most of the movie’s jokes must be average at best. I’m optimistic that other potential viewers will follow this logic.
These new posts and entertainment segments most certainly attempt to minimize Palin’s popularity and stop consumers from purchasing her memoir, which comes out on bookstands Nov. 17.
This book is already a top-seller online, so if Letterman and media outlets keep trying to destroy Palin, they’re not going to succeed. She’s not holding a political office right now, and she may or may not run for re-election in 2012. Because the public is fascinated by Palin, her book sales will probably sky rocket during the holiday season, and I can only hope that this frustrates people like Letterman and other Palin haters.
If the entertainment and news industries want to continue beating a dead horse, they’ll keep writing pointless, malicious articles about Palin as well as insult her intelligence. My advice to these sources? Find someone else to pick on. You’re running out of steam and boring everyone.
— Laura Donovan is the opinions editor. She can be reached at