Linen is actually stronger when wet.
A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A quarter has 119.
U.S. President Calvin Coolidge liked to eat breakfast while having his head rubbed with Vaseline.
Forty-one percent of the moon is not visible from Earth at any time.
Greyhounds have the best eyesight of any breed of dog.
A rodent’s teeth never stop growing.
The ball on top of a flagpole is called a ‘truck.’
In 1897, Bayer, the maker of Aspirin, marketed the drug heroin.
There is more real lemon juice in Lemon Pledge furniture polish than in Country Time Lemonade.
A baby octopus is about the size of a flea at birth.
The most popular Campbell’s Soup in Hong Kong is watercress and duck gizzard.
Rubber is one of the ingredients in bubble gum.
In Nepal, cow dung is used for medicinal purposes.
Marie Curie, the Nobel prize winning scientist who discovered radium, died of radiation poisoning.
If you took a standard Slinky and stretched it out, it would measure 87 feet.
Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.
U-Haul is the world’s largest advertiser in the Yellow Pages.
A group of kangaroos is called a mob.
It’s believed that St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus, was born around 245 A.D. in present-day Turkey.
– All facts from