“I don’t think it’s surprising just because we do have a population that’s really big like that, but I wouldn’t rank us in that. I didn’t think we were that low on the poll. I think it’s shocking when you put it in reference to all the other cities, but when I think about it, it kind of makes sense because of where we are in Arizona in just relation to the border … It just happens that the economic standing of a lot of people just isn’t that good.”
— Maureen McClard, respiratory therapy sophomore
“No. I’m a Tucson native and I grew up here on the lower income side of town. It really doesn’t surprise me from some of the stuff I’ve seen, especially if you drive more on the south side of Tucson you kind of see a lot of beat up houses, so it doesn’t really surprise me … You look at the buildings, look at the houses, you can kind of see how it’s not the most prospering part of town.”
— Odell Howell, sociology senior
“No. I’m isolated in a job and paying for college. It’s a pretty average lifestyle having trouble finding a job.”
— Will Clement, pre-computer science freshman
“It surprises me that it’s that high but not too much because you do see a lot of poor neighborhoods. You do see a lot more of those than wealthy neighborhoods in Tucson so it’s not that surprising.”
— Brandon Brown, pre-computer science freshman
“Yes it does surprise me because growing up next to the border in San Diego I’ve seen a lot more poor cities where I’ve seen more homeless people and more poverty … just in California I’ve seen over four cities that are poorer.”
— Paige Hahn, wildlife conservation sophomore