Languages are best learned from a native speaker
In response to “Accents not welcome in AZ” (Sept. 26):
I’m an old guy who has been a lifelong liberal and proud of it. I usually agree with your perspective. This time I have to disagree regarding your column about the English teacher who speaks with an accent. Learning a new language is hard enough. I learned Spanish in high school. I feel that the students would be disadvantaged by learning incorrect pronunciations of words. I feel it is best to learn a new language from a native speaker. It is hard enough to get the grammar etc. right. Why should the students have to learn and then unlearn the way to pronounce words? I don’t see this as a question of discrimination. My father immigrated to the US from Eastern Europe and he always spoke with an accent. It was hard for him to be understood sometimes even though his vocabulary and grammar were outstanding. Learning a language from a teacher who speaks with an accent just makes life harder for the learner.
Keep up the good work. Your columns are always thought provoking and I enjoy reading them always.
— George Hnilo