A trio of proposed ordinances to ban pornography in Tucson by prohibiting the exhibition of designated movies, printed or recorded materials is schedules for a public hearing before the City Council Nov. 10.
The ordinances label “” nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement or sado-masochistic abuse which predominantly appeals to the prurient, shameful or morbid interest of minors”” as being offensive to the prevailing standards in the adult community.
THE PROPOSALS were first submitted to the City Council July 18 by Vice Mayor Kirk Storch. At the time city councilman and University government professor Conrad Joyner indicated the proposals may be unconstitutional and submitted them to constitutional law experts on the campus. Their report is expected Oct. 1.
“”I will not vote for any ordinance that smacks of censorship or is of dubious constitutionality,”” Joyner said.
Two University students, representing the Student Libertarian Action Movement and the Mayor’s Youth Council, respectively, spoke against the proposals, claiming that such an ordinance would be an infringement on the rights of the individual. The Mayor’s Youth Council is currently undertaking an intensive study of the proposals. It is contacting the Arizona and American Civil Liberties Unions, researching similar statutes throughout the nation and soliciting opinions from experts on the matter.
SEVERAL adults from the community have voiced favor of the proposals and presented a petition from 5,000 signatures supporting their viewpoint.
Under one ordinance, a movie review board consisting of five to nine members would rule on whether movies are “”harmful to minors.”” All films rated “”R”” and “”X”” would automatically be prohibited to minors, and those rated “”G”” would be released without question. Only movies in the “”M”” category would be subject to the committee’s decision.
A long classification officer would rule on all printed and recorded material. The public hearing will be held in the council chamber in City hall.