ASUA released a statement instead of rewriting last May’s S.B. 1070 resolution.
The statement was released at Wednesday’s 12 minute senate meeting.
“”After having talks with people around the (Associated Students of the University of Arizona) office, including President (Emily) Fritze, I decided in lieu of writing a new resolution to simply issue a statement,”” said Sen. Dominick San Angelo, the drafter of the resolution in May.
In the statement he expressed “”the strongest possible opposition to the bill”” but after the meeting San Angelo said, “”It really doesn’t make sense to pass a whole new resolution simply to clarify an existing one.””
The statement covered that the legislation was simply a resistance to the legislation and not the current quality of police work by the University of Arizona Police Department.
Writing and approving a new resolution was then stricken from the meeting agenda.
All this occurred during the senate’s first stab at live streaming their meeting over the ASUA home website.
“”It’ll probably be on the senate page too but we wanted to put it where most people could see it,”” said Katherine Weingartner, ASUA executive vice president.
Weingartner noted that the senate is going to try and live stream their meetings every week from now, utilizing just an Apple laptop and camera.
At Wednesday’s meeting, ASUA also dealt with other agenda points. The approval of the elections date was tabled until the next meeting. Drew Rosenthal was approved to the senate board, filling the last open seat. The consent agenda, decided at Tuesday’s meeting, was senate approved. In regard to senate projects, Sen. Bilby’s Tanzbodeli applications are due today at noon and Sen. Voge’s service buffet takes place today in the SUMC.