Salt is the only rock humans eat. Only 5 percent of salt produced ends up on the dinner table. The rest is used for packing meat, building roads, feeding livestock, tanning leather and manufacturing glass, soap, ash and washing compounds.
A Virginia law requires all bathtubs to be kept out in the yard, not inside the house.
The Taj Mahal was actually built for use as a tomb. It was scheduled to be torn down in the 1830s.
Husbands and wives in India who desire children whisper their wish in the ear of a sacred cow.
Four men in the history of boxing have been knocked out in the first 11 seconds of the first round.
Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.
Galileo became totally blind just before his death. This is probably because of his constant gazing at the sun through his telescope.
About 7 million cars are junked each year in the United States.
The flying snake of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree.
The five fastest birds are the peregrine falcon, which can fly up to 175 mph; the spine-tailed swift, at 106 mph; the frigate bird, at 95 mph; the spur-winged goose, at 88 mph; and the red-breasted merganser, at 80 mph.
Rice is thrown at weddings as a symbol of fertility.